
Life Changing Workshops, Meditation Programs, Energy Healing Sessions

Heal, Balance and Rejuvinate

Harmonization Healing

Harmonic Life Community

In this world filled with uncertainty, harmonization healing sessions help to rebalance the self with the divine universe.

These sessions gently clear and harmonize the energy channels with the source of health, happiness and abundant goodness. In this way, they resolve generational patterns and issues.

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Life Path Reading

Sun Temple workshop

Life Path reading helps align and reconnect with true SELF and the pure energy field.

These sessions tap into the wisom of the inner divine universe and the power source that lies within the SELF. Every session is a guidance from the univerese to find clarity and to resolve personal issues and blockages witholding positive experiences.

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Inner Awakening Classes

Harmonic Life Community

Reconnect with your inner universe and find the hidden treasures that await you with guided one-on-one sessions with Satjit. These classes have given the gift of self-discovery and inner awakening to many around the world. Be ready to see through an awakened observance.

These classes have given the gift of self-discovery and inner awakening to many around the world. Be ready to see through an awakened observance.

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Sun Temple workshop

ReflexoloBalancing™ technique utilizes the physical, mental and spiritual self of the individual to initiate the self-healing process.

Satjit has developed this method to help others overcome physial, mental and energy blockages.

The session requires physical presence. Regular healing days are announced in advance. Please join the mailing list to receive up to date info. Book a session

 Invest in Your ‘Self’