About Satjit

Life Changing Workshops, Meditation Programs, Energy Healing Sessions

A Healer, a teacher and a guide

Every meeting with Satjit is transformative

Satjit embodies universal love and harmony that is represented in his work and touches the lives of people all over the world.

He has been blessed with the name Ray Gold that holds its meaning through his work as the light of the divine sun.

His path in life has been set in the footprints of great teachers that lived and walked in this ancient land. He respects the teachings that allows a person to grow spiritually without suppression.

Satjit is not religious and does not follow any dogmatic philosophies. He believes in pragmatic and untangled spirituality. His work allows a person to experience self-actualization and personal growth.

He connects people to their life purpose through various tools and practices. His thought-provoking writings and meditations provide motivation to achieve the highest potential.

He is the creator of various life-changing programs and techniques that are highly effective. These bring meaningful changes in life and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. Some of these are:

  • ReflexoBalancingTechnique™
  • Trimatrix Healing™ Technique
  • Energetic Realignment of the Spiritual Spine Workshop
  • Inner Life Balance Coaching™ Programme(10-week programme)
  • Satya Experience- A Meditation Workshop
  • "I AM" change - Workshop
  • Experiencing the Wholesomeness Meditation Workshop
  • Art of Giving Workshop™
  • 10 Day Awakening of the SELF - Programme
  • Experiencing the Alpha State - Seminar
  • Shakti - Workshop
  • Essence of Reiki™ Programme
  • Aquarian Alignment™ Programme
  • And other programmes